Katherine Pickering
May 13 - June 17, 2022
The hour between is an exhibition by artist Katherine Pickering, whose shaped and folded acrylic paintings use found and recycled objects and the liquid qualities of paint to conjure the feeling of passing time and explore our experience of colour and sensory perception under night-time conditions.
Pickering’s studio in Kelowna is a place for both careful, prolonged looking and chaotic experimentation. The exhibition title references the transitory period between day and night when our visual perception fails. And her series of seven sculptures explore our experience of darkness when we look at it, the connection between looking at darkness and looking at abstract painting, and the value in these ways of seeing.
Pickering states: “I became interested in darkness in order to find new ways of discussing abstract painting with those who mistrust abstract imagery. Like abstraction, night’s darkness is a vulnerable experience. The uncertainty we feel at night requires a willingness to engage with uncertainty while being open to orienting ourselves through our bodies as well as our imaginations – a similar kind of engagement as that required by viewing abstract painting.”